Child Care Nurse Consultant
A Child Care Nurse Consultant provides guidance and technical assistance to child care providers regarding the health and safety of children in their care. The Nurse Consultant schedules regular on-site consultation visits and supports providers in health and safety issues. She assists in the development and implementation of written health policies, assists in linking children, families, and caregivers/teachers to community health resources including a medical home, immunizations, and health screenings.
The nurse consultant assists caregivers/teachers with the inclusion of children with special health care needs, and works in collaboration with health professionals in creating health care plans for these individuals. She is also available to assist child care programs in the event of a communicable disease outbreak.
Healthy Child Care Iowa (HCCI) supports Child Care Nurse Consultants (CCNC), registered nurses who are experts in child health, child care and child safety. Child Care Nurse Consultants (CCNC) work with child care providers and early education programs. Providers may call or send questions to a Child Care Nurse Consultant (CCNC) about health and safety policies, health programs, health of personnel and specific child health or safety issues.
The Quad Counties Area Board provides funding to the following agencies to provide services throughout the four-county area: